Biomechanical Assessment OLD

Biomechanical Assessment

Biomechanical and musculoskeletal assessment involves an examination of the lower limbs, looking at their structure and alignment to appraise strengths and weaknesses…

  • Biomechanical Assessment

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Do you suffer from lower back pain, knee pain or pain in your feet? Perhaps you have ball of foot pain or are developing bunion? Chances are we can help improve your symptoms.

This is because your feet are your body’s foundation and just like a building, if they are out of alignment, weaknesses and faults occur in the rest of your body.

Biomechanics is a study of limb function and our biomechanical assessment looks at the lower limbs to identify any issues and intervene for correction. This likely would be an insole (orthotic) and advice about footwear, particularly if you lead an active lifestyle.

Following assessment, use of aides and correct biomechanics, you realign your body, which in turn can eliminate joint pain, enhance performance and prevent injury in sporting activity.

Perhaps you are already suffering from joint or heel pain or concerned about developing complaints older family members suffer from or even a concerned parent worried about your child developing family foot complaints. Maybe you’re a sports enthusiast suffering from shin splints or achilles tendonitis. Arrange a consultation with The Moorside Clinic or get in touch to have your questions answered.

The Consultation Process

A biomechanical assessment is a 60-minute consultation, assessing how you walk, the position of your feet and the impact they may be having on the rest of your body.

The consultation ultimately results in you wearing a highly specialised insole called an orthotic, which essentially changes the posture of your foot to suit your body. Most professional sports teams use a podiatrist who equips their players with orthotics to reduce incidents of injuries and enhance sporting performance.

We offer various types of orthotics treatment to suit all budgets (see our online shop). From off the shelf solutions, through to custom 3D printed orthotic insoles – where we take a 3D scan of your foot and the orthotic is 3D printed.

Please ensure that you bring both normal day-to-day shoes, sports shoes and a pair of shorts or loose-fitting trousers (that will roll up past the knee) to your assessment.

For further information on how we perform our biomechanical assessments please view the video below.

  • Biomechanical assessment footscan

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